Tuesday 2 January 2018

Quotations : Quotes of great people

               Golden words

》one line of wisdom can change your life more than volumes of book.
》Be afraid , only of standing still.
》Ability helps you to get you to the top   but character keeps you from falling.
》Time should be spent on solving                problems , not worrying about them.
》 Always stop to think when your fun      will cause another is unhappiness.
》 Adversity tests whether you are ,              what you thought you were.
》 we judge our selves by what we fell         capable of doing , while other judge         us by what we have already done.
》 A person , who never made a mistake , never tried any thing. ( albert einstein).
》It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the leason of failure .( Bill gates).
》Your time is limited . Don not waste living someone else's life.(steve jobs).
》The best way to predict your future is to create it. (Abraham lincoln).
》You cannot use up creativity , the more you use the more will you have. ( maya angelou.
》You will never get a second chance to make the first impression and will never born the second time to make life good.
》Life is comedy to those who think and tragedy to those who feel. (H. Walpole).
》There is nothing good or bad but thinking make it so. (Shakespeare).
》A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.(stendhal).
》Do not cry because it is over , smile because it happens.
》Book are bloodless substitute for life .(bezel).
》To think is to be full of sorrows. (Keats).
》Strong people know how to keep their life in ordee , even with tears in their eyes , they still manage to say "i am ok" with a smile.
》one who win without priblems creat victory, but one who win with problems creat history.
》Nothing is easy when you are lazy about it.
》Everything is easy when you are crazy about it.
》The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. (Charles Bukowski) .
》When you talk you are only repeating what you already know. But when you listen you may learn something new. (Dalai lama).
》The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.
》success is like your shadow; if you tried to catch it you will never succed . Ignore it and walk your way , it will fillow you.
》Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world.
》Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
》A teacher is like a ladder ,who stands at his place but let you to go higher and higher.
》The one who falls and get up is so much stronger then the one who never fell.
》Do not wait for the perfect moment take the moment and make it perpect.
》Success all depends on the second letter....
》Be like candle that burns itself to give light to other.
》you only fail when you stop trying.
》The best view comes after the hardest climb .
》Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path.
》Life is the art of drawing an eraser.
》The best way to predict your future is to creat it.


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