Thousand of informations:
》 adult kagaroos cover more than thirty feet in each jump.
》 The reason why honey is easy to digest is that because it is aleardy digested by a bee.
》 chocolate can kill dogs as it has direct effect on their heart and nervous systen.
》 camels have three eyelids.
》 lemon has more sugar than strawberey.
》 Cigarete smoke contain five main ingredients. i.e nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, irritants, and carcinogens.
》 Tar is the major cause of lung cancer.
》 The reproductive and urinary system of both male and female frog are closely connected , so they are collectively known as urinigenital system of frog.
》 Smoker lungs are brown or blackish in colour because of the decomposition of tar on the lining of lungs and branchial tubes which is cause of lung cancer.
》 Healthy person lungs are fresh , bright red or pink in colour .
》 Spiders usually have eight eyes (some have six eyes) but only few spiders have good eyesight.
》 In female the production of gametes calld oogenesis.
》All twenty seven moon of Uranus are named after William Shakespeare's and Alexander Pope's characters.
》After every eighteen days a new star is born in our Galaxy.
》The slowest rotating planet is Venus. It takes about 243.01 days to go round the sun.
》Cheetah can accelerate himself up to 70 kilometer per houre in three (3) second.
》If one can travel with the speed of light (186000 miles per second) it would take him 100,000 years to cross our galaxy.
》 The first star in the universe was formed about 400 million years after the Big Bang.
》The moon travel a distance of 2,290,000 kilometer around earth.
》If a person flies in a humbo jet (at notmal cruise speed) for 24 hours each day , he could reach the sun in about nineteen years .
》Music has the ability to repair the brain.
》The world record for holding your breath is 7.5 minutes.
》Normally we hold our breath for one minute.
》Your brain recieved about one hundred million pieces of information at any one moment from your eyes , skin, nose ears and and receptors inside your body.
》An adult humans take about 23,000 breaths per day.
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