Tuesday 9 January 2018

Introduction of Physics

Introduction of science:

             Man is always been curious that to know about our environment and about every thing which is living thing or non living thing which is surrounding and that all thing is matter .i.e liquid , solid, and gas. But the question is that why matter is in the form of solid , liquid and gas ? What is cloud ? Why it os made and how? Why sun emits light and heat and what is the phenomenon?what is star ? This type of questions comming in the mind of man.To know the answer of these type of question are called Science.The word science comes from the Latin word which mean "to know".
The study of science are divided into two main branches.
1) physical science.
2)Biological science.

Physical science:

The branch of science which deal with the study of matter .  i.e The study of non living thing.

Boological science:

The branch of science which deal with the study of living thing.

Physical science are divided into other branches.

Biological science are also divided into other branches.


Physics is derived from the greek word which mean nature.

"Physics is the branch of science which deals with the property of matter , energy and their mutual relationship is known as physics".

"We also called that the study of nature are called physics".

Importance of physics:

Physics has played an important role in our daily life.
Some imporatnce and invention of physics are given below:

1) Atomic bomb is the invention of physice. Atomic bomb are used for the protection and defence used.

2)Computer are the invention of physics.which have many uses.

3)X-rays are the invention of physics. Which are used for medical purposes.

4) T.v are the invention of physics .

5)Transformer are the invention of physics.

6) Aeroplanes , buses, cars are the invention of physics which are used for transport purposes.

7) Satellite are also the big invention of physics.which have many purposes , they get information like weather information etc.

8)MRI is the invention of physics which are used for medical purposes.

9)Microscope are the invention of physics.which magnifing a small object.

10) Mobile phone , Television and other useful machines are the invention of physics.which helps in our daily life.


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