Tuesday 16 January 2018


                 Friendship is not only the blend of few words. But friendship play an important roles in our life. Our friends turn us as that the person we are. We spend time with our friends. We spend time in thinking about our friends. Share every things to them. We are ready to help them in every situation. We enjoy time with our friends when we are together. We feel very good. Our friend are the most good friend. We invite our friends for dinner and other activites specially for football and cricket.
               I agree that we have an active part in our friends life. When our friends are happy we are happy. Their accomplishments become ours and we feel good when they are praised. We often look for a friends whose life are we would like to have. We believe that our friends is pure and his nature is finer. We even try to fit into their shoe , but this is not the case forever. All of this type of things become very very good to be believed. With the passage of time we all are become suspicious , possibly jealous at the every things that made our friends so interesting. We present the example of richness . That if our friend are very rich then we all are jealous from his richness. It is natural that all people are want to replace their old friends with a new friends. Some time often our friendship become short lived. Naturally we rush to make a new friends and when we doing so , we lose the old friends. And so never a good foundation for a good friendship.

     As Emerson said , that there are two things which are compulsory in a  friendship that are , Truth and Tenderness, that a friend is some one who are sincere with you , enjoy your friendship and company and value what you do. My friend gives me entertainment without requiring any thing and any stipulation from me.

     We must be our own best friends before we make others. First we must learn to love ourselves before we love our friends. First of all we should think that how we like to be treated . Then we will be ready to be a friend of someone. I do not agree with Emerson. Emerson's says that "I do with my friends as I do with my friends". It mean that he does not see his friend very much . I believe we like our friends. But i do agree when Emerson says that he enjoys his friends but he can not afford to study their visions or he may lose his own. This is true that we enjoy our friends but not their lives. I love and agree with this line " the essence of friendship is entireness , a total magnanimity and trust. You can not have a friendship you believe in, without trust and being sincere.

           "True friendship"


              You know , I am really sorry.


             For what you say sorry? You did not do anything wrong.


            I am sorry , because you get hurt.  You get hurt because of me. Whenever i made a mistake you were always there to erase my mistake. But when you make my mistake erase , you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller every time , whenever you erase my mistake.


            That is true . But i do not really mind. You know i was made to do it. I was made to help you , whenever you do something wrong . Even i know i will be gone one day and you have to replace me with a new one. Actually i am very happy with my job. So please stop worrying . I hate seeing you sad.

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