Wednesday 17 January 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel

Hostel and there advantages:

Hostel is a separate place only for students where the students complete there studies. Best hostel are that which have time table for all activities.

Compar home and hostle life:

We all are said that home is sweet. But we can not compared the life of home to the life of hostel. At home all the family member are lived together.

Study at home:

    At home elders are always there to check the activities of every youngsters. One cannot frame his own time table for studies . One has to keep in mind the convenience of others. At home while one has to study but the others are keep on talking and gossiping. Often one room one lamp one place are used jointly by two or three brothers and sisters. There are some other problems,  If some relative or guest or friends come in , the whole programme of studies are distirb. Actually in home there is no atmosphere for serious studies. There is a constant disturbance due to one reason or other reasons.

Life of hostel:

             Life in hostel is different from that of home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is independence. You may sleep whenever you like . You wake up whenever you like. You may get up late in the morning and no one will question you. But there are some rules and regulations , which are to be followed necessarily and strickly by everyone , one is his own master. It is due to this reason that many students do not like to go home even in long vacations . Those studients who love freedom love the hostel life.

Friends of hostel:

                  In hostels , the life is full of opportunities and amusement. One is constantly in touch with is young men of one's age. One can make their friends with hostel fellows who have varied testes and aptitudes. One has chiose their friends according to there own likeings.                                                                      

Discussion in hostel:

                  In hostel, all of things are discuse with one another for example mutual discussion of their study and favorite film and favorite actors or favorite actresses , long criticicism of the latest picture seen by them , all students tell their favorite story , add cham to hostel life. Good arrangment of games , sports and other activities. Sunday is very special. Sunday is free , no study , only enjoy. Make the hostel life a thing of envy of all.

Inspiration from one another:

                All the students of hostel are contact with one another and one student are in contect with a number of other student. One acquires many good qualities from other. When a student see that his next door neighboor or his friend taking daily morning exercise , then he also gets inspiration with his friend. He too tries to be healthy. One a good student are the example for all the students.

Mutual cooperation:

                 Mutual cooperation are main thing in hostel. When one is ill, all his hostel friends try their best to serve him. Mutual cooperation , sympathy and friendship are the good characteridtics of hostel life. It  will not be an exaggeration to say that only hostel is a place where an all-round development of personality is possible.

Atmosphere of hostel:

             For study , hostel provide a good atmosphere. Weaker students always can get help from there friends . In hostel all students are study in the same time are different time and help with each other. Discuss a difficult topic with each other.

Disadvantages of hostel:

                   Hostel life has so many advantages but hostel have some drawbacks or disadvantages.
        Students come for the first time in hostel , they find entirely new atmosphere . The freedom in hostel leads in the student some astray. They start smoking, they start gamble and some times even to drink. Daily visiting to some cinema becomes a routine. They are fail to choose a good companions. The unlimited freedom proves harmful for students.

Waste of time:

           Parents send there children to hostels for study , but in hostel they waste there time in enjoyment and merry making . They waste there precious time and the hard earned money of there parents with a spend thrify's hands. In later of there life , they repent for this folly.


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