Sunday 1 April 2018

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drwbacks of cell theory

          Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory:

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

History of cell theory:

This topic is about cell theory, history of cell theory,three main points or parts of cell thery and drawbacks of cell theory. so lets start.
    First of an english scientist name was Robert Hooke observe cells. He was the first person to observe cells with the help of a small microscope in 1665. He discover a cork cells when he magnify thin slices of a corck (30X) thirty times.

         Around the same a much more powerfull microscope was made by a Dutchman , name was Anton van Leeuwenhoek. His microscope mignifying power are 300X. He magnified a pond water 300 times. He saw a tiny one-celled swimming around. He named to this tiny celled "animacules". Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe the single celled organisms.

     In 18th century , technical innovation improved  microscope ,and microscopy become popular to popular among scientist .
Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

      In 1827 , a scientist named was Dolland improved the quality of lenses. And microscope was more improved.

             In 1833 , ascientist Robert Brown describe the nucleus in a plant cell. This made a new concept about the cell.

            In 1838 , a scientist Mathias Schleiden whih was a German botanist claimed tha all plants are made up of cells.

          In 1839 , a zoologist name was Theodor Schwann claimed that all animals were also made up of cells. Which are similar to plant cells. This lead to the emergence of cell theory. 

  Cell theory: shlieden and shwaan theory:                                                                    Cell theory was pruposd by shlieden and shwaan in 1839.

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

In 1838 shleiden pruposd that all plant are made up of a cell with cell wall.
In 1839 shwann pruposed that all animal tissue are made up of a cell which is covered by cell membran.Both are united and pruposd cell theory.

Three Main points and parts of cell theory:

Main points of cell theory are the following.

1)All the living organism are made up of a single cell.

2)All cell are similar chemical composition and metabolic activities.
                                                                          3) All the cell are arised from the pre-existing cell.

4)cell contain the genitic code which are trasfer from one generation to another generation.
These are the main points of cell theory.

Drawbacks of cell theory:

    Some drawbacks of cell theory are the following.
1) They are non living outside the living organism.

2)Bacteria and blue green algae lacks organized nucleus.

These points  are not explain in the shliedan and shwann cell theory.

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory.

Saturday 24 February 2018

How to lose 20 pounds?

All set to stroll down the walkway however worried about your weight? You would need to look your closest to perfect for your wedding, isn't that so? The dress, the rings, the photographs, the cosmetics, the setting, and the list if people to attend, however getting fit and conditioned for the huge day is a standout amongst the most critical things of wedding making arrangements for a few ladies and grooms-to-be. In the event that your forthcoming wedding is serving you as a motivation for you to quit fooling around about weight reduction, that is marvelous! Yet, with such a large number of prevailing fashion eating methodologies and get-healthy plans out there, it can be befuddling. One normal oversight numerous individuals, especially the ladies to-be, make is falling back on outrageous measures and handy solutions to drop the pounds and decrease unyielding midsection fat rapidly. Honestly, while some of those plans - regardless of whether they're not all that sheltered or sound - may work for some time, frequently they flop wretchedly.

Not exclusively do last-dump eating less carbs endeavors oftentimes flop, yet endless investigations demonstrate that wedded individuals tend to put on more weight throughout the years than singles or individuals who are widowed or separated. Thus, rather than turning to outrageous measures like prevailing fashion eating methodologies or pills for fast weight reduction before a wedding, you better make savvy, sensible and reasonable changes to your every day eating routine and wellness design. This won't just enable you to look great on your big day however will likewise advance long haul weight reduction. Fortunately there are ways that can enable you to get thinner in as meager time as seven days. With the correct arrangement and changes in your propensities, you can receive a more advantageous way of life that will enhance your odds for a viable, fruitful weight reduction. Read: Not getting in shape after pregnancy? Here are 6 basic hints to enable you to lose child fat without eating routine or exercise

What's more, here are five simple, basic advances you have to follow keeping in mind the end goal to get in shape in a week and look extraordinary on your wedding:

Pick entire nourishments

By fusing more products of the soil into your day by day count calories, you'll have the capacity to get in shape rapidly. They're powerhouses of sustenance and can top you off on less calories. Attempt to eat for the most part lean proteins and low-carb veggies that are unbelievably fulfilling and accommodating for a shorter time frame. Counting low-carb veggies, for example, spinach, broccoli, cabbage in your eating routine can help you to get amazing outcomes with little endeavors.

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Eat less carbs

It appears you can lose a few pounds by following a low-carb eat less carbs for only a couple of days. Various research considers have demonstrated that a low-carb consume less calories is a standout amongst the best approaches to get more fit and enhance wellbeing. With a specific end goal to lessen a lot of weight, have a go at dispensing with or definitely restricting admission of all bland carbs and sugars for no less than seven days. Maintaining a strategic distance from or lessening carb consumption, notwithstanding for a here and now, can prompt a decrease in muscle to fat ratio and water weight.

Read: Eat these 5 superfoods consistently to get in shape and straighten your gut

Maintain a strategic distance from prepared garbage sustenances

You definitely know the most exceedingly terrible sustenances for weight reduction are very handled garbage nourishments. The issue is that these sustenances are commonly stacked with included sugar, refined wheat and included fats. They can prompt weight pick up as well as add to an expanded danger of cardiovascular malady, diabetes, corpulence, and other endless wellbeing conditions.

Eat littler parts

Eat littler parts however more suppers – this is imperative when you're attempting to shed the pounds. It's anything but difficult to eat or drink more than you wanted to. One of the least complex approaches to watch your bit sizes is to eat in littler dishes at dinners. Additionally, serve sustenance in the correct bit sums, and abstain from backpedaling for a considerable length of time. When you rehearse divide control, you are less inclined to be enticed to gorge or fling. This at last diminishes your calorie admission and helps in weight reduction.

Increment your everyday action

So as to consume more calories, you should expand your every day movement. Actually, how dynamic you are for the duration of the day, particularly when you aren't working out, assumes a huge part with regards to weight reduction. Rolling out straightforward way of life improvements, for example, strolling or biking to work, taking the stairs, going for strolls outside, sitting less and move more can enable you to consume additional calories. What's more, here are top five yoga postures you would need to practice to condition your thighs and tummy

Try not to drink your calories

You most likely more likely than not knew about this - 'eat your calories, don't drink them'. Sugar-sweetened refreshments, similar to pop, are a remark when you're attempting to eat strongly and get more fit. They can contrarily influence your weight and have deplorable wellbeing impacts when devoured in abundance. Totally stay away from sugary beverages in case you're not kidding about shedding pounds. Rather settle on water, which has zero calories and scrubs your assortment of poisons. Water helps support your digestion and goes about as a craving suppressant, helping you drop those additional pounds successfully. Keep in mind, this is a period for festivities and gatherings, so pick your drinks shrewdly. Mixed drinks are a comment far from or be overwhelmed by alert as they for the most part have no less than 100 calories or more.

How to loose weight ?

It is safe to say that you are keen on counting calories and enhancing your appearance? In the event that you will be, you should know the significance of the activity. The activity consumes calories, which diminishes calorie consumption, which thus prompts weight reduction.

In the event that this is the first occasion when you choose to endeavor to get in shape truly, you might need to purchase sports hardware for yourself. On the off chance that you will be, you need to keep perusing. The following are a portion of the most loved parts of games hardware for you to see your buy.

One of the games hardware you need to purchase is a treadmill. Treadmills are a standout amongst the most acclaimed sports hardware parts. Treadmills are beneficial for them to come in a wide range of styles. For instance, you can discover treadmills that have been ground with power, and afterward treadmills that factory your own stage. This is great since it frequently comes in treadmills for an extensive variety of costs.

Weight reduction | How To Lose Weight Fast | Weight Loss Product That You Can Buy

Another games gear you need to purchase is the Elliptical Slimming Machine at home. Curved machines are great since they regularly join a few activities. Elderly machines, normally called oval machines, frequently give less body mind and less body hones. Curved machines are regularly alluded to as Turkish mountain dwellers and skiers.

The games tire is another prevalent wearing device, which ought to consider purchasing locally situated weight reduction. Like a circular machine, there are an expansive number of games autos that utilization the body and body. These focuses ought to be considered in the event that you choose to purchase a bicycle for yourself.

Related: What Is Vitamin B12 | Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment

When you come to purchase sports gear for yourself, you will find that there are a few choices. You can purchase locally or on the web. Games hardware is sold in sports stores and in conventional stores. In the event that you have a financial plan, you can utilize sports gear. Utilized games gear is frequently found in online sell-offs, distribution centers, and yard deals.

As said above, there are a few sections of games hardware that you can use to lessen weight at home.

Monday 5 February 2018

 Get googla adsense approval in 24 hours.Tips and triks of approval: (2018):

Get Google Adsense approval in only 24 hours. Best trap in which you can get Adsense approval quick. Best Tips to get Adsense endorsement quick.

In this post, I am will indicate you. How you can Get Google AdSense approval in only 24hours 2018. you can get Adsense endorsement quick by following this simple strategy.

Refreshed changelogs :

you should refresh all your modules day by day when new updates then you can get Google Adsense endorsed effortlessly.

Adsense is a free method to win cash by indicating advertisements on your site. furthermore, they will give you installment of them. so you can get paid effectively on the off chance that you have a google now facilitated AdSense account. and after that no one but you can gain cash effectively. In any case, the issue is that Google does not give Adsense endorsement to anybody or give Adsense endorsement to any site. for this reason you should take after Google Adsense arrangements else you can't get Adsense endorsement.

Google Adsense strategies are extremely strict. so you can't get Adsense endorsement effectively. you should take after their arrangements else they will dismiss your application. In some cases Google Adsense will dismiss your application if your site contains or not contain these prerequisites which are given beneath.

Inadequate Substance:

Now and then at whatever point you apply for Google Adsense your Google Adsense oppose your application and send you an email that your site contains deficient substance. on the off chance that you need to settle this issues your site must contain following prerequisites then no one but you could get endorsement for Google Adsense effectively.

your site must have no less than 20 posts which are required by the Google approach.

Be that as it may, you can get Adsense endorsement just on 7 posts you will require 7 top notch posts which are 100% interesting and these posts have most extreme 1500-4000 words.

Try not to duplicate anything from some other site:

Try not to download pictures from google and afterward post on your site. on the off chance that you need to put google pictures on your site then you should alter the pic then no one but you can get Adsense endorsement effortlessly.

Copyrighted Material :

Get Google AdSense approval in only 24 hours 2018 your Google Adsense can be disliked by copyright issues, copyrighted material implies that you have replicated the substance of your site from somebody another site. your site can't be endorsed for Google Adsense if your site contains copyrighted material so I encourage you to don't duplicate substance from somebody and compose your own particular substance which will be better for you and afterward you can get Google Adsense endorsement effectively. Additionally Check: Best Committed Web Facilitating Administrations 2017

Get Adsense approval In 24 Hours :

Get Google AdSense Endorsement in only 24 hours 2018 you can get Google Adsense endorsement effortlessly by following the given techniques which are extremely simple and after that your site can be prepared for Adsense so please take after each progression precisely and don't avoid any means generally your AdSense application will be rejected. The following are the couple of necessities then you can get effortlessly Adsense endorsement.

Your site must have About Us, Get in touch with Us, Security Arrangement, Terms, and condition, Disclaimer.

Your Site must have no less than 7 posts which are most extreme of 1500-5000 words.

Your Site must have A decent outline or great subject, on my proposal pick Daily paper topic which is great.

Your site must have a best level area expansion for instance

Your site must contain a decent quality and protracted substance.

Compose just special articles don't duplicate from somebody.

Techniques For Getting Adsense approval:

take after beneath strategies to apply for Google Adsense and in just this technique you can get Adsense endorsement effortlessly.

Open on your PC.

at that point tap on the platform and open a program and sort

make another/new google account.

Apply with Google Adsense with that crisp record.

Enter the address just joined states, New York City.

Favor Portable Number with an online SMS beneficiary website.

And afterward tap on the apply catch and Done.

Sit tight for 24 hours and afterward browse your email and you will get an email that your record is effectively actuated. this is the main manner by which you can support Google Adsense account effectively and absolutely free.

In the event that your application was dismissed then this isn't the issue with your site or substance issue. you will require activity for your site. Utilize HitLeaf programming to get movement on your site and after that apply and afterward check your record and after that your record will be effectively enacted then put advertisements and gain cash for nothing.

Video Instructional exercise About How To Apply For Adsense And Get Affirmed In 24 Hours:

Last Notice:

Companions in the event that you have confronted any issue if your AdSense account isn't affirming so please don't hesitate to remark with your site interface I will check your site and reveal to you what you require more for Adsense endorsement. in the event that you cherished perusing this article so please share this post with your companions and remark beneath tap on the like catch.

Youtube full course // Adsense approval // Requirments for adsense // And what is seo?

Have you at any point known about a YouTube? Regardless of whether you have not gone by the YouTube site, you most likely definitely comprehend what it is, on account of we regularly discuss YouTube with companions, family, and partners. You can likewise discover consistent talks on YouTube about nearby or even national news programs. Despite the fact that you may have caught wind of you on YouTube, you might not have seen it previously. In the event that this isn't the situation, you might need to consider halting in light of the fact that you can see a boundless number of free recordings, the greater part of which can engage you.

        When you discuss all the free recordings you can discover on the web, you may ponder what sort of recordings you can see on YouTube, particularly on the off chance that you have not invested enough energy to investigate the website. In all genuineness, there is a boundless number of recordings that you can see on YouTube. Here's a short depiction of a few sorts of recordings you can discover on the web.

Related: Adsense Approval | Apply For Adsense | Adsense Approval Requirements :

         There is one sort of YouTube recordings that are picking up prevalence quick. As of late, the well known blog has detonated. Blogging is generally about composing every day articles about your own life or your work enterprises. As of late, numerous video aficionados started to make a video blog. Rather than composing their words on the web, they talk in a camera and after that distribute the video to the world to see. While it might appear to be unusual to watch a video blog made by somebody you've never met, you may discover some video writes extremely interesting. Truth be told, numerous video blog watchers have never met a blogger being referred to and numerous have no goal of doing as such; they just love viewing their recordings.

          A standout amongst the most widely recognized kinds of YouTube recordings is a comic drama. With regards to parody, you'll find diverse comedies accessible on YouTube. For instance, a few individuals from YouTube make funny illustrations that are composed. There are likewise individuals from YouTube who get express recordings. The authentic recordings are recordings where individuals in the video, regularly colleagues, don't know they are shot. There are additionally comedies on YouTube that join coordinated recordings and real to life recordings. These sorts of comic drama recordings regularly rotate around individuals who know they are being recorded, yet essentially as indicated by the stream of things. In the two cases, you see comedies are exceptionally prevalent on YouTube.

Related: What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) And Advertising? 

        Music recordings can likewise be found on YouTube. Regularly, recordings and music on YouTube are recordings made by nearby groups or artists. Because of copyright issues, it is uncommon to discover a music video from a known band or site. In any case, YouTube finds a way to transform it. While picking music recordings on YouTube is genuinely restricted to developing craftsmen, you can watch a large number of the music recordings as of now accessible on YouTube. You can without much of a stretch locate an extensive variety of YouTube music recordings, a significant number of which originate from various melodic kinds.

          Instructive recordings or instructional exercises are mainstream on YouTube. For instance, in case you're searching for recordings managing pets, you can locate some instructive recordings that demonstrate the significance of good tend to your pet. A reasonable video portrays steps you can take to deal with your pets. Instructive recordings, while covering an extensive variety of various subjects, have a typical reason, to teach you.

Related: How To Start Business Online Without Investing :

        As should be obvious, there are numerous kinds of recordings that you can discover on YouTube. Shockingly, the sorts of recordings recorded above are only a couple of the recordings you can discover on YouTube. To get the essence of everything that YouTube offers, you are welcome to visit YouTube and have some good times!

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel

Hostel and there advantages:

Hostel is a separate place only for students where the students complete there studies. Best hostel are that which have time table for all activities.

Compar home and hostle life:

We all are said that home is sweet. But we can not compared the life of home to the life of hostel. At home all the family member are lived together.

Study at home:

    At home elders are always there to check the activities of every youngsters. One cannot frame his own time table for studies . One has to keep in mind the convenience of others. At home while one has to study but the others are keep on talking and gossiping. Often one room one lamp one place are used jointly by two or three brothers and sisters. There are some other problems,  If some relative or guest or friends come in , the whole programme of studies are distirb. Actually in home there is no atmosphere for serious studies. There is a constant disturbance due to one reason or other reasons.

Life of hostel:

             Life in hostel is different from that of home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is independence. You may sleep whenever you like . You wake up whenever you like. You may get up late in the morning and no one will question you. But there are some rules and regulations , which are to be followed necessarily and strickly by everyone , one is his own master. It is due to this reason that many students do not like to go home even in long vacations . Those studients who love freedom love the hostel life.

Friends of hostel:

                  In hostels , the life is full of opportunities and amusement. One is constantly in touch with is young men of one's age. One can make their friends with hostel fellows who have varied testes and aptitudes. One has chiose their friends according to there own likeings.                                                                      

Discussion in hostel:

                  In hostel, all of things are discuse with one another for example mutual discussion of their study and favorite film and favorite actors or favorite actresses , long criticicism of the latest picture seen by them , all students tell their favorite story , add cham to hostel life. Good arrangment of games , sports and other activities. Sunday is very special. Sunday is free , no study , only enjoy. Make the hostel life a thing of envy of all.

Inspiration from one another:

                All the students of hostel are contact with one another and one student are in contect with a number of other student. One acquires many good qualities from other. When a student see that his next door neighboor or his friend taking daily morning exercise , then he also gets inspiration with his friend. He too tries to be healthy. One a good student are the example for all the students.

Mutual cooperation:

                 Mutual cooperation are main thing in hostel. When one is ill, all his hostel friends try their best to serve him. Mutual cooperation , sympathy and friendship are the good characteridtics of hostel life. It  will not be an exaggeration to say that only hostel is a place where an all-round development of personality is possible.

Atmosphere of hostel:

             For study , hostel provide a good atmosphere. Weaker students always can get help from there friends . In hostel all students are study in the same time are different time and help with each other. Discuss a difficult topic with each other.

Disadvantages of hostel:

                   Hostel life has so many advantages but hostel have some drawbacks or disadvantages.
        Students come for the first time in hostel , they find entirely new atmosphere . The freedom in hostel leads in the student some astray. They start smoking, they start gamble and some times even to drink. Daily visiting to some cinema becomes a routine. They are fail to choose a good companions. The unlimited freedom proves harmful for students.

Waste of time:

           Parents send there children to hostels for study , but in hostel they waste there time in enjoyment and merry making . They waste there precious time and the hard earned money of there parents with a spend thrify's hands. In later of there life , they repent for this folly.

Tuesday 16 January 2018


                 Friendship is not only the blend of few words. But friendship play an important roles in our life. Our friends turn us as that the person we are. We spend time with our friends. We spend time in thinking about our friends. Share every things to them. We are ready to help them in every situation. We enjoy time with our friends when we are together. We feel very good. Our friend are the most good friend. We invite our friends for dinner and other activites specially for football and cricket.
               I agree that we have an active part in our friends life. When our friends are happy we are happy. Their accomplishments become ours and we feel good when they are praised. We often look for a friends whose life are we would like to have. We believe that our friends is pure and his nature is finer. We even try to fit into their shoe , but this is not the case forever. All of this type of things become very very good to be believed. With the passage of time we all are become suspicious , possibly jealous at the every things that made our friends so interesting. We present the example of richness . That if our friend are very rich then we all are jealous from his richness. It is natural that all people are want to replace their old friends with a new friends. Some time often our friendship become short lived. Naturally we rush to make a new friends and when we doing so , we lose the old friends. And so never a good foundation for a good friendship.

     As Emerson said , that there are two things which are compulsory in a  friendship that are , Truth and Tenderness, that a friend is some one who are sincere with you , enjoy your friendship and company and value what you do. My friend gives me entertainment without requiring any thing and any stipulation from me.

     We must be our own best friends before we make others. First we must learn to love ourselves before we love our friends. First of all we should think that how we like to be treated . Then we will be ready to be a friend of someone. I do not agree with Emerson. Emerson's says that "I do with my friends as I do with my friends". It mean that he does not see his friend very much . I believe we like our friends. But i do agree when Emerson says that he enjoys his friends but he can not afford to study their visions or he may lose his own. This is true that we enjoy our friends but not their lives. I love and agree with this line " the essence of friendship is entireness , a total magnanimity and trust. You can not have a friendship you believe in, without trust and being sincere.

           "True friendship"


              You know , I am really sorry.


             For what you say sorry? You did not do anything wrong.


            I am sorry , because you get hurt.  You get hurt because of me. Whenever i made a mistake you were always there to erase my mistake. But when you make my mistake erase , you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller every time , whenever you erase my mistake.


            That is true . But i do not really mind. You know i was made to do it. I was made to help you , whenever you do something wrong . Even i know i will be gone one day and you have to replace me with a new one. Actually i am very happy with my job. So please stop worrying . I hate seeing you sad.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Monday 8 January 2018

General knowledge

Thousand of  informations:

》 every time you sleep, some of your          brain cell die.
》 adult kagaroos cover more than                thirty feet in each jump.
》  The reason why honey is easy to               digest is that because it is aleardy             digested by a bee.
》   chocolate can kill dogs as it has                direct effect on their heart and                  nervous systen.
》   camels have three eyelids.
》   lemon has more sugar than                       strawberey.
》  Cigarete smoke contain five main             ingredients. i.e nicotine, tar, carbon          monoxide, irritants, and                              carcinogens.
》   Tar is the major cause of lung                    cancer.
》   The reproductive and urinary                    system of both male and female frog       are closely connected , so they are            collectively known as urinigenital            system of frog.
》  Smoker lungs are brown or blackish       in colour because of the                               decomposition of tar on the lining of       lungs and branchial tubes which is           cause of lung cancer.
》  Healthy person lungs are fresh ,               bright red or pink in colour .
》  Spiders usually have eight eyes                 (some have six eyes) but only few             spiders have good eyesight.
》  In female the production of gametes calld oogenesis.
》All twenty seven moon of Uranus are named after William Shakespeare's and Alexander Pope's characters.
》After every eighteen days a new star is born in our Galaxy.
》The slowest rotating planet is Venus. It takes about 243.01 days to go round the sun.
》Cheetah can accelerate himself up to 70 kilometer per houre  in three (3) second.
》If one can travel with the speed of light (186000 miles per second) it would take him 100,000 years to cross our galaxy.
》 The first star in the universe was formed about 400 million years after the Big Bang.
》The moon travel a distance of 2,290,000 kilometer around earth.
》If a person flies in a humbo jet (at notmal cruise speed) for 24 hours each day , he could reach the sun in about nineteen years .
》Music has the ability to repair the brain.
》The world record for holding your breath is 7.5 minutes.
》Normally we hold our breath for one minute.
》Your brain recieved about one hundred million pieces of information at any one moment  from your eyes , skin, nose ears and and receptors inside your body.
》An adult humans take about 23,000 breaths per day.

History of Pakhtoons.


Pakhtoon are also called pathan. Pakhtoons are found every where in the world. There are different views about the origin of puktoon. Many historians believe pakhtoons are Aryans from iran, while other historians believe that they are from Bani from Israel (children of israel). Anyhow , historians agree on their genegealogical background. According to historians the origin of pakhtoon is traced back to Qais Abdul Rashid.He and his clan embraced Islam on the invitation of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed Bin Utba Bin Akrama, the famous companion of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). For the propagation of Islam , Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed to Khurasan , where a tribe "Afghan" was living . Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed wrote an invitation letter to the tribe to embrace Islam . About seventy persons of the tribe embraced Islam . At the time , the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was busy in then conquest of Makkah. After the conquest Prophet (SAW) came back very happy that Afghan tribe has entered in Islam without any violence. He changed their old name with new ones . Out of those seventy persons who came to madina and embraced Islam , one of them was "Qais" who got the name of Abdul Rashed . Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed married his  daughter named "Sara" . Due to his courage the Prophet (SAW) gave him the title of Bathan which later on became Pathan . So Qais Abdul Rashid is known to be the founder of Pakhtoons (Pathans).

Pakhtoons are not terrorist:

Pakhtoons are not terrorist. Pakhtoons are very good people . Pakhtoons are peacefull .pakhtoons are not terrorist.

Small poem for pakhtoons:

So proud to be a Pakhtoon!
I am the subject of peace;
I am the chapter of freedom;
I am the jewel of mountains;
I am the ambassador of harmony;
Earth is my bed , moon is my lamp;
Moutains are my home;
Snow is my blanket;
Love is my nature;
Respect is my culture;
My home land is paradise of earth;
I am a Pakhtoon.!
I am a pakhtoon.!
I am a pakhtoon.!

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Quotations : Quotes of great people

               Golden words

》one line of wisdom can change your life more than volumes of book.
》Be afraid , only of standing still.
》Ability helps you to get you to the top   but character keeps you from falling.
》Time should be spent on solving                problems , not worrying about them.
》 Always stop to think when your fun      will cause another is unhappiness.
》 Adversity tests whether you are ,              what you thought you were.
》 we judge our selves by what we fell         capable of doing , while other judge         us by what we have already done.
》 A person , who never made a mistake , never tried any thing. ( albert einstein).
》It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the leason of failure .( Bill gates).
》Your time is limited . Don not waste living someone else's life.(steve jobs).
》The best way to predict your future is to create it. (Abraham lincoln).
》You cannot use up creativity , the more you use the more will you have. ( maya angelou.
》You will never get a second chance to make the first impression and will never born the second time to make life good.
》Life is comedy to those who think and tragedy to those who feel. (H. Walpole).
》There is nothing good or bad but thinking make it so. (Shakespeare).
》A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.(stendhal).
》Do not cry because it is over , smile because it happens.
》Book are bloodless substitute for life .(bezel).
》To think is to be full of sorrows. (Keats).
》Strong people know how to keep their life in ordee , even with tears in their eyes , they still manage to say "i am ok" with a smile.
》one who win without priblems creat victory, but one who win with problems creat history.
》Nothing is easy when you are lazy about it.
》Everything is easy when you are crazy about it.
》The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. (Charles Bukowski) .
》When you talk you are only repeating what you already know. But when you listen you may learn something new. (Dalai lama).
》The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.
》success is like your shadow; if you tried to catch it you will never succed . Ignore it and walk your way , it will fillow you.
》Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world.
》Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
》A teacher is like a ladder ,who stands at his place but let you to go higher and higher.
》The one who falls and get up is so much stronger then the one who never fell.
》Do not wait for the perfect moment take the moment and make it perpect.
》Success all depends on the second letter....
》Be like candle that burns itself to give light to other.
》you only fail when you stop trying.
》The best view comes after the hardest climb .
》Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path.
》Life is the art of drawing an eraser.
》The best way to predict your future is to creat it.