Sunday 1 April 2018

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drwbacks of cell theory

          Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory:

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

History of cell theory:

This topic is about cell theory, history of cell theory,three main points or parts of cell thery and drawbacks of cell theory. so lets start.
    First of an english scientist name was Robert Hooke observe cells. He was the first person to observe cells with the help of a small microscope in 1665. He discover a cork cells when he magnify thin slices of a corck (30X) thirty times.

         Around the same a much more powerfull microscope was made by a Dutchman , name was Anton van Leeuwenhoek. His microscope mignifying power are 300X. He magnified a pond water 300 times. He saw a tiny one-celled swimming around. He named to this tiny celled "animacules". Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe the single celled organisms.

     In 18th century , technical innovation improved  microscope ,and microscopy become popular to popular among scientist .
Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

      In 1827 , a scientist named was Dolland improved the quality of lenses. And microscope was more improved.

             In 1833 , ascientist Robert Brown describe the nucleus in a plant cell. This made a new concept about the cell.

            In 1838 , a scientist Mathias Schleiden whih was a German botanist claimed tha all plants are made up of cells.

          In 1839 , a zoologist name was Theodor Schwann claimed that all animals were also made up of cells. Which are similar to plant cells. This lead to the emergence of cell theory. 

  Cell theory: shlieden and shwaan theory:                                                                    Cell theory was pruposd by shlieden and shwaan in 1839.

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory

In 1838 shleiden pruposd that all plant are made up of a cell with cell wall.
In 1839 shwann pruposed that all animal tissue are made up of a cell which is covered by cell membran.Both are united and pruposd cell theory.

Three Main points and parts of cell theory:

Main points of cell theory are the following.

1)All the living organism are made up of a single cell.

2)All cell are similar chemical composition and metabolic activities.
                                                                          3) All the cell are arised from the pre-existing cell.

4)cell contain the genitic code which are trasfer from one generation to another generation.
These are the main points of cell theory.

Drawbacks of cell theory:

    Some drawbacks of cell theory are the following.
1) They are non living outside the living organism.

2)Bacteria and blue green algae lacks organized nucleus.

These points  are not explain in the shliedan and shwann cell theory.

Cell theory/ three parts of cell theory/modern and drawbacks of cell theory.