Saturday 30 September 2017

What is blue whale game?

    What is blue whale game?                              
Blue whale game
           What is blue whale game? Blue whale is a dangerous and suicide is based on 50 tasks mean this game has fifty the first stages the game are very easy and beautiful but later it in the last stages it become very difficult and the last challenge is the last stage of the game and the player. Warning...... This game is not available on playstore. It is online game.The gamer send you a link or message. Be careful..

We write some detail information about the blue whale game . The complete information are below.

What is blue whale ?

Whale is one of the most big and heavy. It swim just like a fish. It's lungs are same as human lungs. It is a very big. We also say that his size is same as a school bus. But our topic is not whale. We are discussing blue whale game.

What is blue whale game?

Blue whale is a game . This game is online whale game have many names. For example ." A silent house" and wake up me in 4:20 a.m " .
This online game . Blue whale game is design by boy which are psychologist. With the help of this game it control the mind of other. This game kill many people . This game kill about 175 people.

Killing of blue whale game:

            Blue whale is a killer game . This game kill about one hundred and seventy five people.
Mostly this game was played by teenager boys and girls.

Missions of blue whale game:
                Blue whale game have many tasks.Blue whale game have fifty tasks . In the first this game is very easy and funny but in the last stages it is very difficult and harder. The last stage , fifty number stage is killing stage.

          Blue whale game mission is very dangerous. For example one mission is that to cut your hand with a knife and send a picture of that. One task is to draw a picture of whale on his hand with a knife. One mission is to wake up at 4:20 a.m . This type of mission is present in blue whale game. So don't try it .


          This is online game .This is a killer game. Please can not play this game because that game can kill you.
For visitors :
   If you like , please share with your friends. Write a comment .If you have some more information about blue whale game please share with us.
Thanks a lots                    

Friday 29 September 2017


Starting in the name of ALLAH , the most merciful and almighty..
                 ALLAH IS ONE


                  Praise be to Allah,
                  Lord of the universe,
The most gracious; the most merciful!
                  Lord of mankind,
                  God of mankind,
  The truth is that Allah is one!
   He is besought by all, needing none. And equal to him has never been                                      anyone.
                  Allah is only one.